Saturday, April 20, 2013

Friends Without the Fine Print

People have always told me that girls and guys cannot be just friends. And although there are several arguments for that, I must admit that I disagree. I think its 100% possible to have a strictly platonic relationship with someone of the opposite sex because I've done it before. Yes, shocking I know. For all you skeptics, please hold your applause till the end. Now everyone may not be blessed with this gift, so I'm going to give you an easy way to tell if you're one of the lucky ones. If you've tried to be just friends but eventually couldn't keep your impulses under control and failed, then you probably can't. Basically if you somehow develop impulses for every person you get to know, then you may have a bigger issue that the inability to maintain platonic relationships. But that's besides the point. An honest friendship, by my definition, excludes sexual tension. So how do you establish this marvelous engagement? Just like building a house, it starts by building a good foundation. If you want to ensure your new friend doesn't fall for you, make that clear from the beginning. It's a lot less awkward to have the 'just friends' conversation before there is a chance of sending/receiving mixed signals. Guidelines also seems to be a new fad with opposite sex friendships. For example, not hanging out one-on-one with them can significantly decrease the chances of unwanted occurrences from happening. Supervised friendship is still friendship. An advantage of this, you won't have to deal with the all the nosey people wanting the inside scoop on your 'friendship' because they can witness it themselves. It's a safe way to avoid that 'so what's going on with you and...' conversation. On the other side of this, you could just be solely friends with unattractive people. Either way, its definitely possible to have that diversified friend group.