Monday, May 13, 2013

Love Languages

Maybe because I'm surrounded by a ton of singles in their 20's, or because this past weekend was Mother's Day, or because I may finally be starting to grow up. No matter the reason, I've been hearing about this concept of love languages several times and finally decided to do something about it. Naturally, I raced to my best friend, Google, to get his input on what this whole thing is about. This trust worthy friend defines love languages as 'the ninth album by R&B/Soul crooner Teddy Pendergrass.' Yes, Google never lets me down. Anyways, there are five main ways that people recognize the show of love. This doesn't just apply to a boyfriend/girlfriend, but to family and friends and people in general. Knowing which actions portray the most show of love helps you to understand how to receive and show love at its full potential. Here are the five languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving  gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Some of you love birds can automatically pick out your top one or two. For me, I was convinced I didn't have a love language because I'm not really a mushy gushy kind of person. Thankfully, there is an online quiz to help you understand your love language: 
My top two were receiving gifts and acts of service. Interesting to me, because I tend to be somewhat of a minimalist (with the exception of my weakness for necklaces and shoes). But the more I think about it, I can start to see how that is actually true. However, its reassuring to understand how I perceive love in my friendships and it's also kind of fun to guess what my friends love languages are. Challenge: do something to express each of the five languages to one person and see which they respond the best to. Be prepared to be known as the ultimate friend by everyone you know.