Tuesday, July 2, 2013

12 month goals

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve updated you all on the adventure that is my life. I apologize for leaving you hanging in the suspense. Unfortunately, things have gotten a bit routine. I say unfortunately because I am a big fan of change and challenges. If I could live in that room with the changing stair cases that Harry Potter gets to walk up daily, I’d be ecstatic. So to catch you all up to speed, studying for the CFP exam is overtaking my life. I eat, sleep, and breathe that exam and I’m not exaggerating. And because no one really wants to hear about that, I have been at a loss for words that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to learn to balance things in life. I tend to be an extremist. Like if someone were to ask me to make them a pie, I’d #1 be surprised because this person would have to be a stranger to request that I bake for them and #2 practice making pies for like 37 hours straight until I finally figured out how to do it. I don’t know whether this is a good thing or not, but I do know that one day I will have a lot of skills. Trying to figure out how to balance things has been a struggle because I just want to do everything, try everything and learn everything. Now I haven’t totally written off the idea that that is an attainable goal, but I have almost accepted that I need pick and choose certain things. So I’ve set some goals for myself so that I don’t get too stuck in a rut and miss out on all the fun things in life. Over the next 12 months I will (in priority order):

1)      Pass the CFP exam

2)      Get my concealed handgun license

3)      Create an app

4)      Get my commercial driver’s license (just to be prepared)

5)      Write an e-book

6)      Pass the series 7 exam

7)      Pass the AFC exam

Don’t ask me how I plan to balance these things yet, because that it the part I haven’t figured out yet. I mean those are only 7 goals, and I’ve given myself 12 months, so how much balance could they possibly take? Maybe this makes me look like an underachiever, but trust me, more things will come up. I’ll keep you updated on new adventures and goals I accomplish as they come!