Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Money Doctor

Money is one of those dirty topics of conversation that makes people extremely uncomfortable. After working just a few months, I've realized that financial planners are not like doctors.  If you tell a random stranger you're a doctor, people will be pullin' out their wounds and telling you way to personal details about their physical problems on the spot! Usually it's against social norms to open your mouth and force randoms to get a close up look at your teeth, but if you mention you're a dentist, people forget the concept of personal boundaries and act uncivilized. It's not as easy to get personal financial information out of people. It's like telling them your a dentist and they respond with 'Oh cool, I have some teeth somewhere...' So when people want to know what to do with their money, its a bit of a challenge to give advice if you've never 'seen their teeth.' But as we all know, I'm always up for a challenge, so I'm going to give you the best kept secret about money. The answer to how to have more money:

Self-control. I know this is a strange concept and not a magical stock you thought I'd give you to invest in, but it is what actually works. If you have enough self control to spend less money than you make, you'll end each month with extra money, guaranteed. And extra money isn't like a gift card with limitation, its good for everything! But keep in mind, if you spend your extra money, then the concept doesn't work. It is a vicious cycle.

Now I get this concept doesn't seem to match my doctor theme. People don't see how many pills they can get prescribed and then just line them up and watch them sit on the table. No, people take the pills they need. Just like you are going to spend the money you need. Don't overdose.