Sunday, October 27, 2013

Financial Minstry: Next Steps

To be perfectly honest, I'm learning my lesson on acting on faith rather than a guarantee. After I decided to go into financial planning, I quickly learned that I was going to have countless opportunities to help people. Not only with organizing their finances, but also help them achieve their dream, fund their goals, and honor God with what they have been blesses with. God and I have had some conversations on how He wants me to go about helping these people, and I had it all planned out. I'd get involved in a church and start volunteering with the financial ministry and hopefully be able to do some one-on-one financial counseling eventually. However, life has not worked out how I planned. Yes, I did get involved in a church and attempt to join the financial ministry, and that is where the hang up has been. I made the assumption that after I got the direction on God's end goal for me, that I could map out the steps I wanted to take to get there rather than listening to God's plan on how He wants me to accomplish this. Since the church that I've gotten involved with doesn't actually have a ministry to help people with their finances, there has been a bit of a wakeup call that my plans don't work as well as God's plans. I've been extremely frustrated with the church for not fitting my plans rather than going back to God and asking for His plan to follow. At church this morning, I finally decided something was going to have to change. It's become clear to me that I am supposed to create financial material for education, presentation, and worksheets as if I was already working with people to sort out their finances in a way that honors God. This command is obviously from God since I would have never dreamed up doing all the work before the people came. However, I'm extremely excited to take the next step in God's plan because, as always, great things always follow obedience. I wanted to warn you all about my realization today because something great it about to happen, and I want you all to be aware that God is on the move. I'll keep you updated on the progress and maybe even share the material I'm working on as soon as it's finished!