Monday, June 23, 2014

Potential for Change

What happens when we stop making a difference? What happens when we are so repetitive we get overlooked by the world? What happens when no one believes in our world changing ideas?

At this crossroad, we will either pick up and find a more stimulating and creative environment or we will settle and watch our potential smother. The former are the Drew Houston, Jack Dorsey,  and Mark Zuckerbergs of our generation. The ones who physically cannot settle for anything less that life changing. The latter are the names we've never heard of, the slow and steady minds who get overlooked for CEO promotions and never get Googled by strangers. Becoming the settler is something that the majority of my generations fears more than being alone but not quite as much as the fear of failure.

I believe we all start out somewhere between the two extremes. And within the first two years of our career we will either choose ambition and take on the chance of failure, we will remain constant, or we cannot choose. Not choosing is what causes so many quarter life crisis. I'm not blaming everyone who has this disruptions for not picking an extreme, but understand that at the root of a lot of crisis is indecision. Sometimes this is an unavoidable phase because we need that experience in order to harness our actual potential. We need to test the boundaries of our strength, will power, dedication and mental control. This is only a negative if the chance to learn and discover your true self is bypassed.

Good employers have a fear that their new young investments will leave after 2-3 years and have a life of 'job hopping' because they have an issue with commitment. I disagree. We will only leave a good job because it doesn't offer everything we want be way of experience, flexibility, advancement, mentoring, and stimulation. It is not commitment we are scared of, it is being average. I don't want to help others an average amount, or work an average amount, or grow a company at an average pace. I want to put my whole heart into everything I do because whole-hearted people are the ones who get to change the world.

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