Sunday, December 16, 2012

Starting Out

Well it's official, as of December 15, 2012 I am a Texas Tech University graduate. I received my degree in Personal Financial Planning in 3 1/2 years, amazingly. I wouldn't trade my college experience for anything, but I am now ready to look to the future and take on a career. At the beginning of my last semester in college, I got a job offer from a financial planning firm that I did a summer internship with. After careful consideration, I accepted this job offer and am now preparing to transition from college life into 'real life.' Because this seems to be somewhat of a gray area in the ideal life plan, I thought I'd document my experiences in order to write my own life journey.
Although this is only day two of my after-college life, it is starting to hit me that I have left all my friends and my home for the past few years behind. I won't get to see my friends every single day, go to class and do projects, or work crazy hours and not sleep for days. However, with the thrill of a new adventure just ahead, I can distract myself enough by focusing on the positive things and all the new and exciting experiences I am about to encounter. Look out world, here I come.

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