Sunday, December 16, 2012

Time to Travel

I was told once that the best thing to do after college is to take a trip and travel a little. It seemed unconventional because society it always pushing us to get a job, make money, get married, and start popping out kids like bullets. Now I realize what great advice that really was. This is the last time that I will be able to take a vacation without missing classes or taking time off from work. After I start working, I will have a job for the rest of my life (hopefully). I have nothing holding me down, controlling my time, or bills to pay.
It doesn't really matter where you go I guess, as long as you enjoy the freedom. Even student who paid for college with student loans can take a trip because they can wait a few months before they have to start paying the loans back.
With this is mind, I am headed to Belize for 9 days to enjoy my one off of everything. My family and I have decided to take one last trip together before everyone scatters back into their separate lives. Tomorrow morning will start another new adventure for me. I'm not really sure about the details of this trip yet, but between the historic scenery, beautiful beaches, and great need on the people in Belize. I cannot wait to see what astounding things happen! I'll keep ya updated as soon as I get Internet access again.

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