Sunday, February 24, 2013

Its a whole new conversation

I've always heard that if you want to be taken seriously, then you should dress like it. I found out first hand that is true! Now that this professional stage of life has taken over, it's like I get approached in a totally different manor. 
For example, I went to Florida this past week for a business trip. Sitting in the airport, I had all my business stuff and was trying to be proactive and read important new articles just incase someone important asked me about current events. Now this is not what strangers normally see when they first meet me. However, because I was asked to upgrade from my 'free t-shirts and yoga pants just to enforce that I had no upcoming professional engagements' look, adults are suddenly treating me like I have joined their pack. I am not longer the college kid executives judge or wish they could be to relive the glory days. I may even to venture to say that I am their peer or equal. But back to the airport, I sat next to two gentlemen who were traveling for the national guard. Naturally, I want to hear all about the things they get to do and the cool toys they get to play with. So after becoming totally jealous of their passport stamps and thankful they are willing to do all that for people like me, the conversation turned toward me. I'm use to people asking where I'm going to school or what friends I'm going to visit because I'm much younger than the average business person. I mean the day I graduated from college, a lady asked me what I was planning to do after high school (still trying to take it as a complement rather than an statement of immaturity). Obviously I look like I'm still 18. These guys asked me about my business trip, who I was going to meet with, what industry I was in. They never mentioned school. Instead of asking me about classes, I was asked about my family. Was I married? Did I have kids? Did I want to see all their kids and new born grandkids? Now this may be a normal occurrence for some people, but no stranger has ever showed me their family pictures until recently. Every person I sat next to would whip out their phone and scroll through memory lane as I watch cute babies and random faces pause in front of me. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing a joy of people as they get to brag about the new family additions they are getting, but I was so taken back by people's willingness to share their lives with me, I couldn't do much else but exaggerate my excitement and egg on the slideshows. 
Now I still feel like I am playing dress-up everyday when I get ready to head off to my office. It is going to take me a long time for the fact that I am a adult to set in. But I think it's the little reminders, like airport conversations, that will slowly encourage me to accept my new reality. Let the adventure continue. 

1 comment:

  1. My bff is growing up! :') No more neon shirts or shoes to match your bright personality. :( But I can't wait until I can eventually dress in professional attire everyday!
