Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Interview

No matter what stage of life you're in, an interview is always involved. Although this may not always be a formal interview, the passing of judgments from a 'superior' to and 'inferior' is almost inevitable. Within the first 10 seconds of meeting a new person, there are certain categories that we automatically throw that person into in our minds. This may be simply identifying them as friendly, good-looking, or annoying. But once that first impression stereotype is put into place, it is extremely difficult to reintroduce yourself to the same person twice. Now put this in the context of searching for a job and the pressure is on. Employers want to hire someone who can not only do a good job, but someone they can stand to be around 40 hours a week. Because of the competive job market, landing you next big career takes more than a stellar resume. I recently interviewed students for an internship and got  taste of what the other side of the desk looks like. Although this was a quick turn around from interviewee to interviewer, it gave me a new perspective on the entire interview process. I'm sure its different for every job, but asking questions to read into a persons answers can be exhausting. It about presentation, being comfortable with yourself, a formal friendship with a twist of sales. My advice: talk a lot, do your research, take notes, and relax.

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