Thursday, January 3, 2013

Color me... Professional?

I don't think it has actually hit me that I am done with school and am about to join in the world with professional people. But honestly, why should it? I haven't made any big changes from what I would be doing if I were to be going back to school next semester. There isn't any defining moments or activities that have awakened me into a new reality. So in order to start the process of accepting change and transitioning into a new stage of life, I have decided to update my wardrobe. Unfortunately, old shopping habits are tough to break. I went shopping looking for professional business clothes, rather than fun sweats and casual attire. I came home with neon green and orange blazers, bright fun shoes, and more workout clothes. Even without the ideal results, I think I finally started thinking about the idea of not returning to school. As I shop, I tend to picture myself in the situation that I will be wearing the outfit that I am trying on. So while I kept picturing myself in my office, or in meetings, I began to get more comfortable with the idea that I am about to spend an unnatural amount of time indoors at a desk. Change isn't the end of the world, it just the start of a new beginning. It's almost more exciting than scary to think of all the firsts I am about I experience.

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