Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I've lived with a few roommates, and I would say half of them where good. However, my most recent roommate experience turned me off from sharing an apartment. I lived in Arlington this past summer with 3 girls that I had never met. I had a crazy idea that since I was moving to a new city where I didn't know anyone, I should live with other people so I would have someone to call an ambulance if I suddenly discovered I was highly allergic to olives. Unfortunately, these roommates would of probably let me die on the kitchen floor if I ever had an allergic reaction. I remember one day I came home from work and one of the girls I lived with stopped to talk to me (a rare occurrence) and informed me about a birthday party she was having for her sister. Naturally I was excited for her and asked about the details. She proceeded to tell me the date and time and their plans, then politely told me that I could just stay in my room while they had people over. Needless to say, these three girls were not my biggest fans. By the end of the summer, I told my friends to hit me the next time I said I want to live with a random roommate. Now that I am getting ready to move again, I was set on living alone to avoid any awkward occurrences or unnecessary drama. That didn't last long... 

I began to pray and ask God to direct me in my living situation and show me very clearly what I was suppose to do. Shortly after, my sweet cousin told me that her really good friend just moved to Fort Worth (where I am moving in 3 days) and that she would be a perfect roommate for me. I met with her and she was nothing like my definition of a roommate. 
Previous roommate definition: n, a person who acts in a manor of impractical or senseless behavior while sharing a living space with another
Now I cannot officially say my definition is completely rewritten since I have not fully moved in with my new roommate, but I have a prediction.
Predicted roommate definition: n, a person who shares a home and acted with respect,  friendliness, and honesty.

For everyone else who hasn't had a successful roommate drop into their lap thanks to God, I've made a pro and con list of living with a roommate after college.

  1. Someone will find you if you spontaneously combust
  2. You can always get a second opinion on your outfit
  3. You won't have to face robbers alone
  4. You have a built in friend/connection to the area your moving to
  5. You can split the cost of living
  1. You have to be nice to their friends, pets, and plants
  2. You cannot sing at the top of your lungs without anyone hearing you
  3. You cannot steal their stuff (because they know where you live)
  4. You have to hear about their drama, day, and diet
  5. They could leave old cheese sitting around for 18 days

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